I Promise, I’m Not Sleeping on the Job.

If it’s not clear yet, I love to complain.  It’s a very human thing to do and sometimes it’s refreshing to relate.  Can you relate to feeling totally exhausted at times?  I know you can.

I’m so tired.  Like, all the time.

When I really think about it, I don’t necessarily see a reason for my exhaustion and constant sleepiness.  I don’t do labor intensive work, I’m not all that physically active, and I have a 9-5 desk job.  However, I use my brain a lot and I think it needs a moment to slow down.

Like I said, I work a 9-5 desk job.  I run a debit and credit card program for a credit union and I’m the one they call when there’s a problem, whether it be a card not working, a card was misplaced, there was unauthorized activity, etc. etc.  And on top of that I handle the majority of marketing, other miscellaneous things, and I’m training for the book keeping position.  Still, just a 9-5 desk job.

When I get home after work, I change my focus to one of the regular items on my everyday list: dinner, cleaning, entertaining, and so on.  Don’t get me wrong, I have a husband that is very helpful at home, but nobody likes to do dishes everyday.  If and when I finish those items, it’s on to other projects.

I’m working on growing and expanding http://www.LivePeculiarShop.com and attempting to create new things each week.  I’m also a full-time student trying so hard to get a Master’s Degree in Accounting.  Have you ever heard of a class called Advanced Auditing and Data Mining Technologies?  Neither have I until now.  But it’s still not advanced personal tax.  That class was interesting, but no thanks.

In addition to my daily work, I also have a family.  I’ve mentioned my lovely husband.  He reduces a ton of my daily work-load but also comes with his own as he develops and grows his own business at http://www.facebook.com/SuitablyAwesome/.  We also have two beautiful boxers and a part-time boxer.  They are cute.  But they are tiresome.

I wish the two on the right were still that small.  They’re not.

All things considered, I can see where my exhaustion lies.  However, I also assume the holidays got me feeling extra tired on top of this cold that I can’t seem to shake.  I had a handful of orders for the holidays and a lot of hand-made things for family and friends, as well.  I think I just really need to put my feet up, but just as soon as we get ourselves into the new year and expectations are lower.  They’re lower, right?

Now, here’s some cool stuff I made for Christmas gifts and/or orders!

Really this is all just a humble brag.  But at least you get to look at pictures.

If you happened to make it to the very end, here, thank you.  I meant it when I said my brag is humble.  For every opportunity I have to hand-create something for another, it means a lot to me and to my little business.  I hope everybody’s Christmas or holiday season was wonderful and I wish everyone the happiest of New Year.

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